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Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 40th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition of the Founding of Grey System Theory

time:2023-06-05 16:57read:342

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 40th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition of the Founding of Grey System Theory

Distinguished leaders, guests, teachers and students,

good afternoon!

Today is a big day for the opening of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the original grey system theory in China. On behalf of Chinese Society of Optimization,

Overall planning and Economical Mathematics, I would like to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the commemorative exhibition!

Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall planning and Economical Mathematics is a national-level society founded by the famous mathematician Professor Luogeng Hua.has more than 20000 members, with 15 provincial and municipal branches and 23 professional branches. The society is the bridge and link between the scientific and technological workers engaged in the research, application and education of management science, such as optimization method, overall planning method and economic mathematics.

The Grey System Professional Committee was a national branch which initiated by Professor Sifeng Liu, who was then the vice President of the society, and other well-known scholars in 2005, and was approved by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China. Since its establishment, the Grey System Professional Committee has played an important role in promoting the innovation, development and international dissemination of China's original grey system theory.Relying on famous universities such as Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Southeast University, a large number of high-level professionals in the field of grey system theory have been trained. Through holding national academic conferences, youth forums, summer schools (workshops) and other activities, the research team has been constantly expanded. Through the publication of high-level treatises and textbooks and the construction of national high-quality and first-class courses, relying on Baidu Encyclopedia and other platforms to publish and certify professional terms, popularize and promote the grey system theory. According to the retrieval results, all the double-top construction universities in China and many research teams undertaking the major national science and technology projects, 973, 863, the National Science and Technology Support Plan and the major and key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China have published a large number of papers on the application of grey system methods, models to research and solving related scientific problems.It fully shows that the grey system theory has played an important role in the cultivation of high-level talents and the innovation and development of science and technology in China. The Blue Book of Science and Technology in China (No. 8) compiled by the former National Science and Technology Commission and the Development Report of Management Science and Engineering (2007-2008) compiled by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology fully affirmed the new theory of grey system theory originally created by China.

The Core team of Grey System Professional Committee has also carried out extensive international cooperation by jointly establishing international academic organizations, jointly undertaking international cooperative research projects, establishing joint laboratories, jointly holding international conferences, jointly establishing international academic journals, jointly organizing summer schools, jointly publishing multilingual series of textbooks and treatises, developing independent intellectual property modeling software, and exchanging teachers and students. In 2007, the IEEE SMC Grey System Technical Committee was established; In 2015, the International Association of Grey Systems and Uncertainty Analysis was jointly launched with scholars from China, the UK, the United States, Canada, Poland, Spain and Romania. Edited and published two top international journals in this field. In cooperation with famous publishing institutions such as Science Press and Springer-Nature, edited and published several sets of Grey System Series in Chinese and English, which has promoted the global dissemination of grey system theory. According to the search results of the Web of Science database, scholars from more than 130 countries or regions in the world have carried out research on the grey systems theory and applications and published relevant academic papers. In December 2018, Academician Jinpeng Huai, then Secretary of the Party Group, Executive Vice President and First Secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, wrote a letter to Professor Sifeng Liu through Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall planning and Economical Mathematics, praising him and his colleagues for their active participation in the construction of international academic organizations, "contributing to the deep participation of Chinese scientists in global science and technology governance."

On September 7, 2019, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in her speech at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, especially praised the grey system theory originally created by China Scholar, and praised the work of Professor Julong Deng and Professor Sifeng Liu, "profoundly affected the world."

The research results of Professor Sifeng Liu's team have been highly praised or positively cited by the famous scientist Qian Xuesen, and L.A. Zadeh, the founder of fuzzy mathematics, H. Haken, the founder of synergetics and more than 100 Chinese and foreign academicians including academician Haiyan Hu, academician Zhongde Shan, and academician Baozhu Guo who attended the opening ceremony.

I sincerely wish the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Grey System Theory a complete success, and wish all leaders and friends good health and smooth work!

Thank you!


Hong Chi

President of Chinese Society of Optimization,

   Overall planning and Economical Mathematics